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Alaskan Legislators Form AK Future Caucus

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On April 27, members of the Alaska legislature announced the formation of the Alaska Future Caucus.  Under the leadership of Representative Jason Grenn (I-22), Representative Geran Tarr (D-19), and Senator David Wilson (R-D).  The caucus launch of legislators 45 and under, adds Alaska to MAP’s nationwide State Future Caucus Network. With the announcement of their caucus, Alaska becomes the 26th state to join the network.  

“Serving as the Co-Chair of the Alaska Future Caucus is a great honor.  As we look toward the future, we need to ensure an ongoing bipartisan dialogue to better address the issues facing Millennials and make sure these issues are a priority of the Alaska House of Representatives,” said Representative Grenn.

Representative Tarr notes, “I’m thrilled to lead the Alaska Future Caucus, with Representative Grenn and Senator Wilson, to prioritize people over party and support young legislators in working towards a culture of political cooperation.”

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