
The mission of each State Future Caucus is to convene young and innovative legislators committed to working on the issues facing Gen Z, Millennials, and future generations. 

Future Caucus members are committed to pragmatically working towards a culture of political cooperation. 

Hover over a state to learn more about their post-partisan efforts:



Where We Are

State Future Caucuses have either launched or are developing in the following states:

Don't see your state?

In the News

State Future Caucus Network Best Practices

Introducing Best Practices for Future Caucus Success – guiding principles for Future Caucus accomplishments.


All members of the Future Caucus Network commit to modeling the highest standards of integrity. Conduct by a Member which is seriously detrimental to the purposes and goals of MAP and the Future Caucus, including behavior that is unethical and/or abusive, shall be cause for suspension or removal. Future Caucus co-chairs will be held accountable for upholding bylaws and membership terms.