Innovation Agenda

Special Thank You to Our Contributors

MAP would like to thank and acknowledge our expert partners without whom this report would not be possible. First of all, thank you to Chidi Jenkins and the team at Ascend at the Aspen Institute for your integral support of this project. Thank you to Soren Dayton of the Niskanen Center, Jason Grill of Right to Start, Eli Lehrer of R Street, Henry Honorof of Welcoming Neighbors Network, Speaker of the House of New Mexico Representative Javier Martínez of Abriendo Puertas Opening Doors, and Ben Dahan of Planet Reimagined for your expert review of our work.

About the Innovation Lab

MAP’s Innovation Lab offers a unique opportunity for young lawmakers across the country to connect with experts in their fields and go beyond surface-level information about topics and issues that matter most to them and their constituents.

The Innovation Lab will serve as a new hub for policy education and bridge-building on the issues that matter most to the next generation and the future of our democracy. Members of the Future Caucus will have access to a policy library, live briefings, on-demand experts, and connections to other lawmakers working on the issues they care about. This cross-partisan, future-oriented space will ensure young lawmakers gain the tools and knowledge needed to advance solutions, repair American politics, and inspire new faith in our republic. Our policy accelerator fills a critical gap state lawmakers face: where to find unbiased, evidence-based ideas to solve generational challenges.

The Innovation Lab connects the dots between the next generation of legislators and politically diverse experts and thought leaders to support bridge-building on key issues. Through content, events, and working groups to tackle big challenges, MAP and its network of experts, practitioners, and thought leaders will continue to convene and catalyze lawmakers to innovate around these areas.