Free and fair elections and good governance are the two cornerstones of vibrant democracies. Our young legislators are working together from the outset on efforts to safeguard our elections, ensure that all eligible voters can cast ballots, modernize legislatures, and bring lawmaking into the 21st century. These post-partisan actions strengthen our democratic institution by engaging Millennial leaders across a political spectrum and spurring innovative legislation.
The Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act aims to increase government transparency by creating a single, publicly accessible website that displays all agency reports submitted to Congress.
This legislation was spearheaded by Congressional Future Caucus (CFC) member Congressman Derek Kilmer (D-WA-6) through his role as the Chair of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress.
HR 1079 — sponsored by Congressional Future Caucus member Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA-6) and cosponsored by fellow Future Caucus member Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-MA-4) — has been signed into law by the President. This legislation modernizes congressional casework by requiring federal agencies to accept electronic forms of identification and authentication, allowing an individual to access their records or provide consent for the release of their records much quicker than in the past.