Boosting Resiliency and Onboarding Innovation

Our national reckoning with the impacts of a changing climate grows more important by the day. Fortunately, the avenues to address these challenges are increasingly tangible and new technologies continue to expand the options available to policymakers. In the face of evolving threats, lawmakers can build stronger, more prosperous communities by prioritizing common sense solutions that bolster resiliency and capitalize on innovation. 

From preparing for natural disasters by modernizing and hardening power grids, to accounting for accelerating trends in transportation and energy generation, state legislators have pursued a range of solutions so far in 2021. To optimally position their states to meet future energy needs and translate ongoing innovation into quantifiable improvements in resiliency and prosperity for constituents, the Millennial Action Project has identified several focuses for lawmakers to explore:

  1. Resiliency 

    1. Grid Modernization and Hardening

    2. Microgrids

  2. Innovation 

    1. Energy Storage

    2. Future of Transportation

    3. Decarbonization 

      1. Renewables

      2. Nuclear

      3. Carbon Capture