Roll Call

Reps. Gallagher and Murphy Talk Bipartisanship Among Younger Members

Reps. Gallagher and Murphy Talk Bipartisanship Among Younger Members

Freshman Reps. Mike Gallagher, a Wisconsin Republican, and Stephanie Murphy, a Florida Democrat, represent the sentiment that the younger members in Congress strive to be more bipartisan. Vice co-chairs of the Congressional Future Caucus, a group of members under the age of 45, Gallagher and Murphy spoke together Wednesday at a panel hosted by the Millennial Action Project.

Ted Cruz, Ashley Judd and Others to Address Millennial Summit

Ted Cruz, Ashley Judd and Others to Address Millennial Summit

More than 400 young people from across the country will descend on Capitol Hill Tuesday to hear how Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, actress Ashley Judd and other lawmakers will address issues relating to the so-called millennial generation.