USA Today

Young voters could have more political clout — if only more of them would just drag themselves to the polls

Young voters could have more political clout — if only more of them would just drag themselves to the polls

Millennials are poised to overtake baby boomers as the largest generation in the electorate within the next year. Generation X, millennials and Generation Z have the potential to be a force to reckon with — but only if they're able to overcome the foremost obstacle barring them from political relevance: apathy.

MAP COO Offers Support for H-1B Visas in USA Today

MAP COO Offers Support for H-1B Visas in USA Today

MAP Chief Operating Officer Layla Zaidane recently wrote a letter to the editor at USA Today calling on young Americans to support the H-1B visa system for foreign workers. Zaidane noted that millennials "value hard work and believe everyone should have a fair shot at achieving economic success."

MAP President - Higher Education is Needed, at Any Cost

MAP President - Higher Education is Needed, at Any Cost

MAP President and Co-Founder Steven Olikara recently penned a letter to the editor that was published in USA Today. The letter calls on American policymakers to unite behind common-sense higher education policies to begin addressing the burden of college costs and student debt.

Bipartisan Conference at Harvard Pushes National Millennial Action

Bipartisan Conference at Harvard Pushes National Millennial Action

Nearly fifty college students from across the nation converged on Harvard University over the weekend to take part in a three-day conference entitled “Bipartisan Advocacy: Finding Common Ground.” The conference aimed to foster political engagement among Millennials through a series of workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and networking sessions.