Representative Stephanie Clayton

Kansas Future Caucus, Emeritus Co-Chair (D) 

A native of Johnson County, Stephanie Clayton has spent the majority of her life in the area. As a product of the local public school system, she put herself through college at Emporia State University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in History.

In the legislature, Stephanie is a fierce advocate for government transparency and accountability. She is the Chief Sponsor of legislation that will end the practice of filing anonymous bills, and has led on numerous other transparency initiatives, most notably legislation that allowed for the live-streaming of committee proceedings. The Vice-Chair of the Social Services Budget Committee, Stephanie is a strong supporter of education and is also a passionate promoter of Kansas businesses as a member of the Commerce, Labor, and Economic Development Committee.

Stephanie is a proud leader of the Bipartisan Women’s Caucus, which was instrumental in shaping the taxation policy that stabilized the Kansas budget.

Nationally, Clayton has been active with Women In Government, and is a member of the National Council of State Legislators Women's Legislative Network Board, and a member of the NCSL Legislative Effectiveness Committee. Clayton is also a member of WiLL, the Women Legislators Lobby.

Believing that local government plays a more important role in our day-to-day lives than national politics, Stephanie is involved in a number of community and political organizations. She serves on the Board of the West Kansas City Rotary Club, where she is a Paul Harris Fellow.