Representative Jeramey Anderson
Mississippi future caucus, Co-Chair (D)
Jeramey Anderson is a Democratic member of the Mississippi House of Representatives, for District 110. He was first elected to the chamber in a special election on November 5, 2013. When Anderson won his seat in the Mississippi House of Representatives in November 2013 at age 21, he became the youngest elected leader to the Mississippi Legislature and the youngest African American elected to a legislature in the United States history.
He received his Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from Pearl River Community College and his Bachelors Degree in Homeland Security from Tulane University.
At the age of 16, Jeramey founded a non-profit organization known as the Foundation for a Brighter America, which is dedicated to serving as a mentoring organization to young boys ages 11-18. Now, he serves as the program's Executive Director.
Anderson has three goals that are the driving forces behind his ambitions and success in regards to our youth:” Making a difference in the lives of kids,” “Empowering young males to reach their highest potential” and “Inspiring young people to believe in education in order to succeed in life.”
Representative Anderson current serves on the Advisory Board for "Let America Vote," an organization dedicated to winning the public debate over voter suppression in the United States. Upon being re-elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives, his Democratic colleagues elected him to serve in the House Democratic leadership as Caucus Secretary/Treasurer.