Senators form Next Generation Nebraska coalition to address issues facing millennials, future generations

LINCOLN — The Nebraska Legislature’s youngest members are banding together to work on issues that help recruit and retain young people.

The Legislature’s 11 state senators under age 40 — about a quarter of the 49-member body — on Friday announced Next Generation Nebraska, a bipartisan group meant to look at issues faced by millennials and future generations.

Chaired by Sens. Adam Morfeld, 31, of Lincoln and Brett Lindstrom, 35, of Omaha, the effort is part of Millennial Action Project, a national movement of young elected officials working together.

The group will listen to young professional groups across the state to better understand ways the state can attract young people to Nebraska and persuade them to stay, Lindstrom said.

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Senators form Next Generation Nebraska coalition to address issues facing millennials, future generations

LINCOLN - The Nebraska Legislature's youngest members are forming a coalition aimed at addressing issues that affect young people. The Legislature's 11 state senators under age 40 - about a quarter of the 49-member body - on Friday announced Next Generation Nebraska, a bipartisan group meant to look at issues faced by millennials and future generations.