Omaha Senator Sara Howard, and her mother — former Sen. Gwen Howard — have made it their mission that others don't have to go through the heartbreak of losing a loved one to opioid addiction. Senator Howard was joined in that mission this session by Sens. Brett Lindstrom and John Kuehn, who also introduced bills to help address the opioid addiction crisis. And Monday, 47 senators voted to advance Howard's bill (LB931), amended with two others (LB933 and LB934), from first-round debate.
Conversation at Northeast focuses on recruiting young professionals to the region
The region served by Northeast Community College is no different than many parts of the country when it comes to workforce and economic vitality. While some progress has been seen in attracting and retaining young professionals to the region, local officials say more can be done. The issue was the subject of a “Community Conversation” recently at the College.
AP | Senators: Millennial views bridge some partisan differences
The group, dubbed Next Generation Nebraska, is headed by Sens. Adam Morfeld, a 31-year-old Democrat from Lincoln, and Brett Lindstrom, a 36-year-old Republican from Omaha. Members aim to collect feedback from young people across the state and draft legislation next year addressing millennial concerns.