Generation Unaffiliated: How Millennials are Changing the Future of Politics

MAP President Steven Olikara joined The Takeaway's Todd Zwillich in June to discuss ‪‎millennial‬ trends in politics.

From left to right: WNYC's Todd Zwillich chats with MAP President & Co-Founder Steven Olikara about millennials in politics. © Millennial Action Project

From left to right: WNYC's Todd Zwillich chats with MAP President & Co-Founder Steven Olikara about millennials in politics. © Millennial Action Project

Record numbers of young people turned out to vote in the primaries and caucuses this year, and many voted for Senator Sanders. But as demographics shift (according to the Pew Research Center, about half of millennials identify as independents), how does this seemingly unaffiliated generation plan to govern in the future?

Steven Olikara, president and co-founder of The Millennial Action Project, is hoping to bridge the divide in the political world through millennial leadership and entrepreneurial approaches to policy.

From left to right: Steven Olikara and Todd Zwillich in WNYC's studio. © Millennial Action Project

Exploring millennial trends in politics, Todd and Steven discussed how the #FutureCaucus system is shaping legislatures around the country. “When we see a breakdown in our political system," he noted, "there’s an opportunity for a breakthrough and a new generation of leaders.”

Click here to read more about their exchange on WNYC's website, as well as to listen to the full interview.